Saturday, 11 January 2014

Kitty Wisdom #2

So I thought in this week's Kitty Wisdom I'd share a bit of what's going on with me. 

As many of my friends may know I have been having severe back issues/pain since July and have received every treatment under the sun with no result. Every specialist told me it was something different from an injured disc to tendonitis of the connecting tissues, chore strength problems and neurological issues. But nothing helped.

Finally last week a doctor made a diagnoses. Apparently I have Fibromyalgia. This is a chronic pain disease which unfortunately doesn't have a cure- only management. Widespread ongoing tissue pain, headaches/migraines, fatigue, depression, memory/concentration issues and sleep problems- it's all there. Good fun! 

So basically I am being forced to look after myself better- reducing stress and workload, looking after my diet, hydrotherapy, massage etc. 

My work has been wonderful and shortly I will begin working from home once we move to our new house. I find out this week if I've been successful in my application to study Veterinary Science which will be a challenge, but I am looking forward to using my brain again. 

So this week's Kitty Wisdom is about looking after yourself. Because: 

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